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4 documents found.

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Author: Darren Wright, James Sprenke, Charles Payton
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, wind, anemometer, alignment, maintenance, GPS, met, R.M. Young, windbird, propeller, heading, direction, magnetic, offset, compass
Author: Loren Evory, FOD
Keywords/Tags: bench mark diagram, pdf, bm sketch, jpg, snagit, .des file, windesc, google earth, diagram, bm, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications, COET, Configuration and Operational Engineering Team
Author: Engineering Division, CO-OPS
Keywords/Tags: bluebook, ngs, general locator, taped measurements, compass directions, bench mark descriptive text, to reach statement, windesc, code, recovery type, setting, marker type, monumentation, agency, condition, stability, conversion rules, metric units, english units, directions, landmarks, published, locator, writing, measurements, vertical
Author: Bruce L. Servary, Jr
Keywords/Tags: windesc, translev, leica, wild, na3000, na3003, .dat files, rod level bubble, level collimation checks, rec-module, dna03, keypad, screens, .inx file, fgcs standards, inst.dat files, rods.dat files, desc.exe, contrib.dat, country.dat, cors.dat, ssn, spsn, pid, descriptive text, wind code, weather code, sun code, observer code, error codes, user key, gif 10, dsworld, google earth
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Darren Wright, James Sprenke, Charles Payton SOM, Station O&M, wind, anemometer, alignment, maintenance, GPS, met, R.M. Young, windbird, propeller, heading, direction, magnetic, offset, compass Loren Evory, FOD bench mark diagram, pdf, bm sketch, jpg, snagit, .des file, windesc, google earth, diagram, bm, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications, COET, Configuration and Operational Engineering Team Engineering Division, CO-OPS bluebook, ngs, general locator, taped measurements, compass directions, bench mark descriptive text, to reach statement, windesc, code, recovery type, setting, marker type, monumentation, agency, condition, stability, conversion rules, metric units, english units, directions, landmarks, published, locator, writing, measurements, vertical Bruce L. Servary, Jr windesc, translev, leica, wild, na3000, na3003, .dat files, rod level bubble, level collimation checks, rec-module, dna03, keypad, screens, .inx file, fgcs standards, inst.dat files, rods.dat files, desc.exe, contrib.dat, country.dat, cors.dat, ssn, spsn, pid, descriptive text, wind code, weather code, sun code, observer code, error codes, user key, gif 10, dsworld, google earth
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC