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2 documents found.

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Author: Adam Grodsky;Richard Bourgerie
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, CECAT,COR,Contracting Officers Representative,DCP,DMAT,IDIQ,MOU,OET,OPUS,TM, task manager, TOMIS
Author: U.S. Department of Commerce
Keywords/Tags: expendable, non-expendable, condition, location, cost, control, quantity, description, SOM, Station O&M
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Adam Grodsky;Richard Bourgerie SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, CECAT,COR,Contracting Officers Representative,DCP,DMAT,IDIQ,MOU,OET,OPUS,TM, task manager, TOMIS U.S. Department of Commerce expendable, non-expendable, condition, location, cost, control, quantity, description, SOM, Station O&M
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC