CO-OPS Field Library

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15 documents found.

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Author: Patrick Burke
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, NCOP, current survey, planning, requirements, execution, deployment, recovery, installation, data processing, reconaissance, procurement, outreach, dissemination, current meter, recon
Author: George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
Keywords/Tags: digital photographs, survey mark photographs, description of photographs, photograph file name, reconnaissance photographs, bench mark photographs, survey control, photographs, benchmark photos, coastal mapping program, shoreline mapping, image, file, eye-level, horizontal, PID
Author: Warren Krug;Kathleen Bailey
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, XPert, eSite, DCP, OET, laser, microwave, MIROS, low steel, OSTEP, Deployment, Sutron, Xpert, 9210B, DCP, Universal Laser Sensor, ULS, Miros, Laser, reconnaissance, bridge, clearance, CIL, SIL, instrument, lab, chesapeake, seattle, PORTS
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Bruce Sevary
Keywords/Tags: reconnaissance, water level, meteorological, equipment, siting requirement, field note, reconnaissance form
Author: Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ctd, conductivity, temperature, depth, rbr, reconnaissance, ncop, currents, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle,
Author: Christopher Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ncop, reconnaissance, bottom grab, currents, platform, sample, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Christopher Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Seth Baldelli
Keywords/Tags: met, meteorological, form, recon, reconnaissance
Author: Carl Kammerer
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: hfradar, codar, high frequency, currents, ncop, antenna, hfscm, radar, reconnaissance, site, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging
Author: Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division;Minilek Hailegeberel
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, CO-OPS, Engineering Division, ED, Field Operations Division, FOD, NWLON, NWLP, reference datum, reconnaissance, water level, sensor specifications, GOES satellite transmissions,great lakes, leveling, elevated platforms, bench marks, datum offsets, orifice offset, navd88, leveling, gps connections, deliverables, timelines, documentation
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Patrick Burke SOM, Station O&M, NCOP, current survey, planning, requirements, execution, deployment, recovery, installation, data processing, reconaissance, procurement, outreach, dissemination, current meter, recon George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, National Geodetic Survey (NGS) digital photographs, survey mark photographs, description of photographs, photograph file name, reconnaissance photographs, bench mark photographs, survey control, photographs, benchmark photos, coastal mapping program, shoreline mapping, image, file, eye-level, horizontal, PID Warren Krug;Kathleen Bailey FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, XPert, eSite, DCP, OET, laser, microwave, MIROS, low steel, OSTEP, Deployment, Sutron, Xpert, 9210B, DCP, Universal Laser Sensor, ULS, Miros, Laser, reconnaissance, bridge, clearance, CIL, SIL, instrument, lab, chesapeake, seattle, PORTS Chris Paternostro ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Bruce Sevary reconnaissance, water level, meteorological, equipment, siting requirement, field note, reconnaissance form Greg Dusek currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Chris Paternostro ctd, conductivity, temperature, depth, rbr, reconnaissance, ncop, currents, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, Christopher Paternostro ncop, reconnaissance, bottom grab, currents, platform, sample, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Christopher Paternostro currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Seth Baldelli met, meteorological, form, recon, reconnaissance Carl Kammerer currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Chris Paternostro hfradar, codar, high frequency, currents, ncop, antenna, hfscm, radar, reconnaissance, site, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging CO-OPS Engineering Division;Minilek Hailegeberel SOM, Station O&M, CO-OPS, Engineering Division, ED, Field Operations Division, FOD, NWLON, NWLP, reference datum, reconnaissance, water level, sensor specifications, GOES satellite transmissions,great lakes, leveling, elevated platforms, bench marks, datum offsets, orifice offset, navd88, leveling, gps connections, deliverables, timelines, documentation
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC