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12 documents found.

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Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, Field Operations Division, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, CART, UAT, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy
Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy
Author: Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, installation, recalibrate, handheld, thermistor, CIL, SIL, FOD, field, Xpert, SDI
Author: Bruce L. Servary, Jr
Keywords/Tags: windesc, translev, leica, wild, na3000, na3003, .dat files, rod level bubble, level collimation checks, rec-module, dna03, keypad, screens, .inx file, fgcs standards, inst.dat files, rods.dat files, desc.exe, contrib.dat, country.dat, cors.dat, ssn, spsn, pid, descriptive text, wind code, weather code, sun code, observer code, error codes, user key, gif 10, dsworld, google earth
Author: George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
Keywords/Tags: digital photographs, survey mark photographs, description of photographs, photograph file name, reconnaissance photographs, bench mark photographs, survey control, photographs, benchmark photos, coastal mapping program, shoreline mapping, image, file, eye-level, horizontal, PID
Author: George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, NGS
Keywords/Tags: concrete, mark, monument, bench, aggregate, cement, portland, setting, shoreline, mapping, NGS, monuments, cure, destructive, porous, mixing, placing, curing, witness posts, Miss Utility, magnetic, FOD, Field Operations Division, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM
Author: George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, NGS
Keywords/Tags: outcrop, disks, geodetic, bench, mark, setting, concrete, monument, shoreline, mapping, NGS, cure, epoxy, porous, mixing, placing, curing, witness posts, Miss Utility, magnetic, FOD, Field Operations Division, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM
Author: Jennifer Ewald
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy, TRBM
Author: CECAT
Keywords/Tags: freight, mail, ship, package, fedex, ups, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team, CECAT
Author: Paul Fanelli;CECAT
Keywords/Tags: dissemination, analysis, instability, error, PORTS, principal, direction, pitch, roll, heading, pressure, ping, ensemble, station, sensor, depth, number, echo, intensity, last, good, cell, size, bin, sampling, rate, blanking, distance, Product, Generation, PGQC, DPT, CMIST, DMAT, CORMS
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, database, OceanData, shaft angle encoder, SAE, intake valve, sump, gaps, bench mark, OET, COET, outliers, ETG
Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, MSCS, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, Xpert, FOD, ED
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Kasey Standridge FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, Field Operations Division, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, CART, UAT, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy Kasey Standridge FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, installation, recalibrate, handheld, thermistor, CIL, SIL, FOD, field, Xpert, SDI Bruce L. Servary, Jr windesc, translev, leica, wild, na3000, na3003, .dat files, rod level bubble, level collimation checks, rec-module, dna03, keypad, screens, .inx file, fgcs standards, inst.dat files, rods.dat files, desc.exe, contrib.dat, country.dat, cors.dat, ssn, spsn, pid, descriptive text, wind code, weather code, sun code, observer code, error codes, user key, gif 10, dsworld, google earth George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, National Geodetic Survey (NGS) digital photographs, survey mark photographs, description of photographs, photograph file name, reconnaissance photographs, bench mark photographs, survey control, photographs, benchmark photos, coastal mapping program, shoreline mapping, image, file, eye-level, horizontal, PID George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, NGS concrete, mark, monument, bench, aggregate, cement, portland, setting, shoreline, mapping, NGS, monuments, cure, destructive, porous, mixing, placing, curing, witness posts, Miss Utility, magnetic, FOD, Field Operations Division, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM George Leigh, Kevin Bashant, NGS outcrop, disks, geodetic, bench, mark, setting, concrete, monument, shoreline, mapping, NGS, cure, epoxy, porous, mixing, placing, curing, witness posts, Miss Utility, magnetic, FOD, Field Operations Division, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM Jennifer Ewald FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy, TRBM CECAT freight, mail, ship, package, fedex, ups, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team, CECAT
7.3.B.1.1_C-MIST_User_Manual.pdf Paul Fanelli;CECAT dissemination, analysis, instability, error, PORTS, principal, direction, pitch, roll, heading, pressure, ping, ensemble, station, sensor, depth, number, echo, intensity, last, good, cell, size, bin, sampling, rate, blanking, distance, Product, Generation, PGQC, DPT, CMIST, DMAT, CORMS SOM, Station O&M, database, OceanData, shaft angle encoder, SAE, intake valve, sump, gaps, bench mark, OET, COET, outliers, ETG CIL SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, MSCS, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, Xpert, FOD, ED
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC