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---| Author: Patrick Burke Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, NCOP, current survey, planning, requirements, execution, deployment, recovery, installation, data processing, reconaissance, procurement, outreach, dissemination, current meter, recon | Author: Eddie Roggenstein Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, ADCP, platform, planning, overview, current meter, deployment, permit, CIL, SIL | Author: Kasey Standridge Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, Field Operations Division, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, CART, UAT, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy | Author: Kasey Standridge Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy | Author: Kasey Standridge Keywords/Tags: ncop, current meter, biofouling, anti-fouling, growth, deployment, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, installation, recalibrate, handheld, thermistor, CIL, SIL, FOD, field, Xpert, SDI | Author:;Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, installation, recalibrate, handheld, thermistor, CIL, SIL, FOD, field, Xpert, SDI | Author: Darren Wright, James Sprenke, Charles Payton Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, wind, anemometer, alignment, maintenance, GPS, met, R.M. Young, windbird, propeller, heading, direction, magnetic, offset, compass | Author: Adam Grodsky, COET Keywords/Tags: SOM, station operation and maintenance, O&M, SRM, installation | Author: Engineering Division, CO-OPS Keywords/Tags: bluebook, ngs, general locator, taped measurements, compass directions, bench mark descriptive text, to reach statement, windesc, code, recovery type, setting, marker type, monumentation, agency, condition, stability, conversion rules, metric units, english units, directions, landmarks, published, locator, writing, measurements, vertical | Author: Manoj Samant, Artara Johnson Keywords/Tags: global positioning system, gps, observations, terrestrial reference frame, itrf, north american datum of 1983, nad 83, online positioning user service, opus, opusdb, national geodetic survey, ngs, static, gps observation, differential, gps surveys, gps satellites, choke ring antenna, ground plane antenna, fixed-height tripod, epoch update, recording interval, elevation mask, north american vertical datum of 1988, navd 88, national spatial reference system, nsrs, orthometric, ellipsoidal navd 88 level tie, gps tie, stability code, federal base network, fbn, cooperative base network, cbn, gps water level station bench mark, gpsbm, photos, cors | Author: Kasey Standridge Keywords/Tags: ncop,adcp,adp,current meter,deployment,recovery,ports,platform | Author: FOD Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ports, real-time, ncop, aton, nortek, buoy, current meter, installation, CIL, Chesapeake Instrument Lab | Author: CIL Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount | Author: Carl Kammerer Keywords/Tags: CECAT, rdi, current, meter, deployment, ncop, fipl, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: Carl Kammerer Keywords/Tags: ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, station report | Author: Carl Kammerer, CECAT Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, CECAT, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team | Author: Jennifer Ewald Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy, TRBM | Author: Chris Paternostro Keywords/Tags: ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: CIL Keywords/Tags: 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL | Author: Thomas F. Landon Keywords/Tags: ed, oet, fod, pob, aob, field, documentation, site, report, task, manager, contractor, water level, station, quality, submitted, dms, dpas, nwlp, ports, metadata, preliminary, revised, final, 30, day, 30-day, deliverable, timeliness, AI, annual, inspection, eSite, XPert, DCP, sounding, tube, well, GPS, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM | Author: Carl Kammerer Keywords/Tags: CECAT, ncop, adcp, platform, current meter, deployment, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, flotation | Author: Carl Kammerer Keywords/Tags: CECAT, rdi, current, meter, deployment, ncop, fipl, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: Richard Bourgerie Keywords/Tags: dmat, maintenance, report, current meter, ports, real-time, metadata | Author: FOD Team Leads Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, FOD, Field Operations Division, Pre-trip, metadata, SM Checklist | Author: Jason Standridge Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M,RTU,Remote Telemetry Unit,DCP,Data Collection Platform,CIL,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,SIL,Seattle Instrument Lab,coin cell battery, GOES,transmit, lithium, GPS, signal | Author: Keywords/Tags: | Author: Keywords/Tags: | Author: Christopher McGrath Keywords/Tags: current meter; horizontal; field library; operations; maintenance | Author: Christopher Paternostro;Richard Bourgerie Keywords/Tags: CECAT, SOM, Station O&M, CECAT, field, FOD, biofouling, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, TRBM, ES2, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT | Author: Adam Grodsky Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, metadata requirements, co-ops field systems, ed, oet, engineering division, operational engineering team, preliminary documentation, revised final documentation, task manager, contractor, idiq | Author: Bruce Sevary Keywords/Tags: reconnaissance, water level, meteorological, equipment, siting requirement, field note, reconnaissance form | Author: Greg Dusek Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: Christopher Paternostro Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: Seth Baldelli Keywords/Tags: met, meteorological, form, recon, reconnaissance | Author: Carl Kammerer Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | Author: Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek Keywords/Tags: Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging | Author: Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek Keywords/Tags: Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging | Author: Richard.Edwing Keywords/Tags: NGWLMS, cal tube, worksheet, sutron 9000, design parameters, top hat , sounding tube, sounding tube assembly, coefficient 2, calibration tube, sensor test worksheet, thermistor separation, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, COET, Configuration and Operational Engineering Team | Author: Manoj Samant Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, mount, criteria, current meter | Author: Jason Standridge Keywords/Tags: geostationary orbital environmental satellites, remote telemetry , <, enhanced diagnostics, GOES, pseudo-binary, telemetry, MSCS | Author: Kasey Standridge, CIL Keywords/Tags: Nortek and Sontek current meters, in-water testing, bench test, field deployment, sensor, instrument, pre-deployment, CIL, Chesapeake Instrument Lab | Author: SIL Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: Chris McGrath Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: Chesapeake Instrument Lab Keywords/Tags: | Author: CIL;SIL Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: SIL;CIL Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Antcom, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: CIL;SIL Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, wide band digital antenna, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: SIL;CIL Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, eSite, power, MSCS, wide band digital antenna, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: Caleb Gostnell Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, Iridium, Sutron, Xpert, remote telemetry, eSite, MSCS, sbd transmitter, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | Author: Chris McGrath Keywords/Tags: waterlog; radar; MWWL; engineering bulletin; water level; microwave; sensor; configuration; parameters; H-3611; Nile; NOAA Nile; 502; 203360 | Author: Chris McGrath Keywords/Tags: waterlog; radar; air gap; engineering bulletin; bridge clearance; microwave; sensor; configuration; H-3612; 517; Nile | Author: Eric Breuer Keywords/Tags: | Author: Adam Grodsky Keywords/Tags: |
Filename | Author | Keywords/Tags |
---|---|---| | Patrick Burke | SOM, Station O&M, NCOP, current survey, planning, requirements, execution, deployment, recovery, installation, data processing, reconaissance, procurement, outreach, dissemination, current meter, recon | | Eddie Roggenstein | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, ADCP, platform, planning, overview, current meter, deployment, permit, CIL, SIL | | Kasey Standridge | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, Field Operations Division, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, CART, UAT, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy | | Kasey Standridge | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy | | Kasey Standridge | ncop, current meter, biofouling, anti-fouling, growth, deployment, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck | SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, installation, recalibrate, handheld, thermistor, CIL, SIL, FOD, field, Xpert, SDI | |;Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck | SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, installation, recalibrate, handheld, thermistor, CIL, SIL, FOD, field, Xpert, SDI | | Darren Wright, James Sprenke, Charles Payton | SOM, Station O&M, wind, anemometer, alignment, maintenance, GPS, met, R.M. Young, windbird, propeller, heading, direction, magnetic, offset, compass | | Adam Grodsky, COET | SOM, station operation and maintenance, O&M, SRM, installation | | Engineering Division, CO-OPS | bluebook, ngs, general locator, taped measurements, compass directions, bench mark descriptive text, to reach statement, windesc, code, recovery type, setting, marker type, monumentation, agency, condition, stability, conversion rules, metric units, english units, directions, landmarks, published, locator, writing, measurements, vertical | | Manoj Samant, Artara Johnson | global positioning system, gps, observations, terrestrial reference frame, itrf, north american datum of 1983, nad 83, online positioning user service, opus, opusdb, national geodetic survey, ngs, static, gps observation, differential, gps surveys, gps satellites, choke ring antenna, ground plane antenna, fixed-height tripod, epoch update, recording interval, elevation mask, north american vertical datum of 1988, navd 88, national spatial reference system, nsrs, orthometric, ellipsoidal navd 88 level tie, gps tie, stability code, federal base network, fbn, cooperative base network, cbn, gps water level station bench mark, gpsbm, photos, cors | | Kasey Standridge | ncop,adcp,adp,current meter,deployment,recovery,ports,platform | | FOD | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ports, real-time, ncop, aton, nortek, buoy, current meter, installation, CIL, Chesapeake Instrument Lab | | CIL | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount | | Carl Kammerer | CECAT, rdi, current, meter, deployment, ncop, fipl, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | Carl Kammerer | ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, station report | | Carl Kammerer, CECAT | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, CECAT, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team | | Jennifer Ewald | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy, TRBM | | Chris Paternostro | ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | CIL | 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL | | Thomas F. Landon | ed, oet, fod, pob, aob, field, documentation, site, report, task, manager, contractor, water level, station, quality, submitted, dms, dpas, nwlp, ports, metadata, preliminary, revised, final, 30, day, 30-day, deliverable, timeliness, AI, annual, inspection, eSite, XPert, DCP, sounding, tube, well, GPS, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM | | Carl Kammerer | CECAT, ncop, adcp, platform, current meter, deployment, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, flotation | | Carl Kammerer | CECAT, rdi, current, meter, deployment, ncop, fipl, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | Richard Bourgerie | dmat, maintenance, report, current meter, ports, real-time, metadata | | FOD Team Leads | SOM, Station O&M, FOD, Field Operations Division, Pre-trip, metadata, SM Checklist | | Jason Standridge | SOM, Station O&M,RTU,Remote Telemetry Unit,DCP,Data Collection Platform,CIL,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,SIL,Seattle Instrument Lab,coin cell battery, GOES,transmit, lithium, GPS, signal | | || | || | Christopher McGrath | current meter; horizontal; field library; operations; maintenance | | Christopher Paternostro;Richard Bourgerie | CECAT, SOM, Station O&M, CECAT, field, FOD, biofouling, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, TRBM, ES2, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT | | Adam Grodsky | SOM, Station O&M, metadata requirements, co-ops field systems, ed, oet, engineering division, operational engineering team, preliminary documentation, revised final documentation, task manager, contractor, idiq | | Bruce Sevary | reconnaissance, water level, meteorological, equipment, siting requirement, field note, reconnaissance form | | Greg Dusek | currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | Christopher Paternostro | currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | Seth Baldelli | met, meteorological, form, recon, reconnaissance | | Carl Kammerer | currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle | | Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek | Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging | | Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek | Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging | | Richard.Edwing | NGWLMS, cal tube, worksheet, sutron 9000, design parameters, top hat , sounding tube, sounding tube assembly, coefficient 2, calibration tube, sensor test worksheet, thermistor separation, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, COET, Configuration and Operational Engineering Team | | Manoj Samant | FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, mount, criteria, current meter | | Jason Standridge | geostationary orbital environmental satellites, remote telemetry , <, enhanced diagnostics, GOES, pseudo-binary, telemetry, MSCS | | Kasey Standridge, CIL | Nortek and Sontek current meters, in-water testing, bench test, field deployment, sensor, instrument, pre-deployment, CIL, Chesapeake Instrument Lab | | SIL | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | Chris McGrath | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | Chesapeake Instrument Lab | | | CIL;SIL | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | SIL;CIL | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Antcom, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | CIL;SIL | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, wide band digital antenna, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | SIL;CIL | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, eSite, power, MSCS, wide band digital antenna, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | Caleb Gostnell | SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, Iridium, Sutron, Xpert, remote telemetry, eSite, MSCS, sbd transmitter, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED | | Chris McGrath | waterlog; radar; MWWL; engineering bulletin; water level; microwave; sensor; configuration; parameters; H-3611; Nile; NOAA Nile; 502; 203360 | | Chris McGrath | waterlog; radar; air gap; engineering bulletin; bridge clearance; microwave; sensor; configuration; H-3612; 517; Nile | | Eric Breuer | | | Adam Grodsky |