CO-OPS Field Library

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18 documents found.

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Author: Robert Heitsenrether;OSTEP
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, installation, MWWL, microwave, water level, sensor, sutron, waterlog, OSTEP, Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program's_Guide_for_8200_Bubbler_Gauge.pdf
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD's_Guide_for_8210_Water_Level_Gauge_for_Hydrographic_Surveying_Applications.pdf
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD, pressure, bubbler, pressure control panel, hydro, paros
Author: OSTEP
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, OSTEP, Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program, Deployment, CIL, SIL, instrument lab
Author: Engineering Division, CO-OPS
Keywords/Tags: bluebook, ngs, general locator, taped measurements, compass directions, bench mark descriptive text, to reach statement, windesc, code, recovery type, setting, marker type, monumentation, agency, condition, stability, conversion rules, metric units, english units, directions, landmarks, published, locator, writing, measurements, vertical
Author: Bruce L. Servary, Jr
Keywords/Tags: windesc, translev, leica, wild, na3000, na3003, .dat files, rod level bubble, level collimation checks, rec-module, dna03, keypad, screens, .inx file, fgcs standards, inst.dat files, rods.dat files, desc.exe, contrib.dat, country.dat, cors.dat, ssn, spsn, pid, descriptive text, wind code, weather code, sun code, observer code, error codes, user key, gif 10, dsworld, google earth
Author: Manoj Samant, Artara Johnson
Keywords/Tags: global positioning system, gps, observations, terrestrial reference frame, itrf, north american datum of 1983, nad 83, online positioning user service, opus, opusdb, national geodetic survey, ngs, static, gps observation, differential, gps surveys, gps satellites, choke ring antenna, ground plane antenna, fixed-height tripod, epoch update, recording interval, elevation mask, north american vertical datum of 1988, navd 88, national spatial reference system, nsrs, orthometric, ellipsoidal navd 88 level tie, gps tie, stability code, federal base network, fbn, cooperative base network, cbn, gps water level station bench mark, gpsbm, photos, cors
Author: Warren Krug;Kathleen Bailey
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, XPert, eSite, DCP, OET, laser, microwave, MIROS, low steel, OSTEP, Deployment, Sutron, Xpert, 9210B, DCP, Universal Laser Sensor, ULS, Miros, Laser, reconnaissance, bridge, clearance, CIL, SIL, instrument, lab, chesapeake, seattle, PORTS
Author: Robert Heitsenrether
Author: Winston Hensley, Christopher Haith, Robert Heitsenrether
Author: Trevor.Mackessy-Lloyd
Keywords/Tags: eSite, contractor, account, report, maintenance, operation, field, work, requirements, FIPL, Field installation project lifecycle, OET, engineering, configuration, team, work, sensor, system
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: CECAT
Keywords/Tags: freight, mail, ship, package, fedex, ups, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team, CECAT
Author: Sutron Corporation
Keywords/Tags: COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications
Author: Christopher Paternostro;Richard Bourgerie
Keywords/Tags: CECAT, SOM, Station O&M, CECAT, field, FOD, biofouling, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, TRBM, ES2, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT's_Guide_to_Vertical_Control_and_Geodetic_Leveling_for_CO-OPS_Observing_Systems.pdf
Author: Manoj Samant
Author: manoj.samant
Keywords/Tags: bench mark, gps, gnss, tide station, user's guide, observations, photos, leveling, survey, OPUS, NGS
Author: Manoj Samant
Keywords/Tags: PPP, programmatic policies and procedures, datums, requirements, field, updates, water level stations, tidal, GPS, CSDL,
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Robert Heitsenrether;OSTEP FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, installation, MWWL, microwave, water level, sensor, sutron, waterlog, OSTEP, Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program's_Guide_for_8200_Bubbler_Gauge.pdf CO-OPS Engineering Division SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD's_Guide_for_8210_Water_Level_Gauge_for_Hydrographic_Surveying_Applications.pdf CO-OPS Engineering Division SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD, pressure, bubbler, pressure control panel, hydro, paros
Field_Installation_Guide_for_Greenspan_EC3000_CT_Sensor.pdf OSTEP FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, OSTEP, Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program, Deployment, CIL, SIL, instrument lab Engineering Division, CO-OPS bluebook, ngs, general locator, taped measurements, compass directions, bench mark descriptive text, to reach statement, windesc, code, recovery type, setting, marker type, monumentation, agency, condition, stability, conversion rules, metric units, english units, directions, landmarks, published, locator, writing, measurements, vertical Bruce L. Servary, Jr windesc, translev, leica, wild, na3000, na3003, .dat files, rod level bubble, level collimation checks, rec-module, dna03, keypad, screens, .inx file, fgcs standards, inst.dat files, rods.dat files, desc.exe, contrib.dat, country.dat, cors.dat, ssn, spsn, pid, descriptive text, wind code, weather code, sun code, observer code, error codes, user key, gif 10, dsworld, google earth Manoj Samant, Artara Johnson global positioning system, gps, observations, terrestrial reference frame, itrf, north american datum of 1983, nad 83, online positioning user service, opus, opusdb, national geodetic survey, ngs, static, gps observation, differential, gps surveys, gps satellites, choke ring antenna, ground plane antenna, fixed-height tripod, epoch update, recording interval, elevation mask, north american vertical datum of 1988, navd 88, national spatial reference system, nsrs, orthometric, ellipsoidal navd 88 level tie, gps tie, stability code, federal base network, fbn, cooperative base network, cbn, gps water level station bench mark, gpsbm, photos, cors Warren Krug;Kathleen Bailey FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, XPert, eSite, DCP, OET, laser, microwave, MIROS, low steel, OSTEP, Deployment, Sutron, Xpert, 9210B, DCP, Universal Laser Sensor, ULS, Miros, Laser, reconnaissance, bridge, clearance, CIL, SIL, instrument, lab, chesapeake, seattle, PORTS
cGNSS_Field_Installation_Guide.pdf Robert Heitsenrether
Field_Installation_Guide_for_Iridium_ATON_Current_Measurement_System.pdf Winston Hensley, Christopher Haith, Robert Heitsenrether's_Guide.pdf Trevor.Mackessy-Lloyd eSite, contractor, account, report, maintenance, operation, field, work, requirements, FIPL, Field installation project lifecycle, OET, engineering, configuration, team, work, sensor, system Chris Paternostro ncop, vessel, ship, boat, reconnaissance, survey, currents, current meter, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle CECAT freight, mail, ship, package, fedex, ups, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team, CECAT Sutron Corporation COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications Christopher Paternostro;Richard Bourgerie CECAT, SOM, Station O&M, CECAT, field, FOD, biofouling, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, TRBM, ES2, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT's_Guide_to_Vertical_Control_and_Geodetic_Leveling_for_CO-OPS_Observing_Systems.pdf Manoj Samant's_Guide_for_GNSS_Observations.pdf manoj.samant bench mark, gps, gnss, tide station, user's guide, observations, photos, leveling, survey, OPUS, NGS Manoj Samant PPP, programmatic policies and procedures, datums, requirements, field, updates, water level stations, tidal, GPS, CSDL,
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC