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10 documents found.

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Author: Darren Wright, James Sprenke, Charles Payton
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, wind, anemometer, alignment, maintenance, GPS, met, R.M. Young, windbird, propeller, heading, direction, magnetic, offset, compass
Author: Manoj Samant, Artara Johnson
Keywords/Tags: global positioning system, gps, observations, terrestrial reference frame, itrf, north american datum of 1983, nad 83, online positioning user service, opus, opusdb, national geodetic survey, ngs, static, gps observation, differential, gps surveys, gps satellites, choke ring antenna, ground plane antenna, fixed-height tripod, epoch update, recording interval, elevation mask, north american vertical datum of 1988, navd 88, national spatial reference system, nsrs, orthometric, ellipsoidal navd 88 level tie, gps tie, stability code, federal base network, fbn, cooperative base network, cbn, gps water level station bench mark, gpsbm, photos, cors
Author: Mickey K. Moss, Rolin Meyer, Dave Jones, Bruce Servary
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M,NWLON, station, OET, ED, Engineering Division, FOD, Field Operations,GOES, NESDIS, satellite,antenna, plat, platform id, azumith, elevation, cutter,SOLAR PANELS,9210,XPERT DARK, ANCILLARY SENSORS,AQUATRAK SENSOR,AQUATRAK SOUNDING TUBE,DIVE INFO,GPS,LEVEL,XPERT
Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL
Author: Thomas F. Landon
Keywords/Tags: ed, oet, fod, pob, aob, field, documentation, site, report, task, manager, contractor, water level, station, quality, submitted, dms, dpas, nwlp, ports, metadata, preliminary, revised, final, 30, day, 30-day, deliverable, timeliness, AI, annual, inspection, eSite, XPert, DCP, sounding, tube, well, GPS, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM
Author: Jason Standridge
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M,RTU,Remote Telemetry Unit,DCP,Data Collection Platform,CIL,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,SIL,Seattle Instrument Lab,coin cell battery, GOES,transmit, lithium, GPS, signal's_Guide_for_GNSS_Observations.pdf
Author: manoj.samant
Keywords/Tags: bench mark, gps, gnss, tide station, user's guide, observations, photos, leveling, survey, OPUS, NGS
Author: Manoj Samant
Keywords/Tags: PPP, programmatic policies and procedures, datums, requirements, field, updates, water level stations, tidal, GPS, CSDL,
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division;Minilek Hailegeberel
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, CO-OPS, Engineering Division, ED, Field Operations Division, FOD, NWLON, NWLP, reference datum, reconnaissance, water level, sensor specifications, GOES satellite transmissions,great lakes, leveling, elevated platforms, bench marks, datum offsets, orifice offset, navd88, leveling, gps connections, deliverables, timelines, documentation
Author: SIL;CIL
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Antcom, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Darren Wright, James Sprenke, Charles Payton SOM, Station O&M, wind, anemometer, alignment, maintenance, GPS, met, R.M. Young, windbird, propeller, heading, direction, magnetic, offset, compass Manoj Samant, Artara Johnson global positioning system, gps, observations, terrestrial reference frame, itrf, north american datum of 1983, nad 83, online positioning user service, opus, opusdb, national geodetic survey, ngs, static, gps observation, differential, gps surveys, gps satellites, choke ring antenna, ground plane antenna, fixed-height tripod, epoch update, recording interval, elevation mask, north american vertical datum of 1988, navd 88, national spatial reference system, nsrs, orthometric, ellipsoidal navd 88 level tie, gps tie, stability code, federal base network, fbn, cooperative base network, cbn, gps water level station bench mark, gpsbm, photos, cors Mickey K. Moss, Rolin Meyer, Dave Jones, Bruce Servary SOM, Station O&M,NWLON, station, OET, ED, Engineering Division, FOD, Field Operations,GOES, NESDIS, satellite,antenna, plat, platform id, azumith, elevation, cutter,SOLAR PANELS,9210,XPERT DARK, ANCILLARY SENSORS,AQUATRAK SENSOR,AQUATRAK SOUNDING TUBE,DIVE INFO,GPS,LEVEL,XPERT CIL 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL Thomas F. Landon ed, oet, fod, pob, aob, field, documentation, site, report, task, manager, contractor, water level, station, quality, submitted, dms, dpas, nwlp, ports, metadata, preliminary, revised, final, 30, day, 30-day, deliverable, timeliness, AI, annual, inspection, eSite, XPert, DCP, sounding, tube, well, GPS, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM Jason Standridge SOM, Station O&M,RTU,Remote Telemetry Unit,DCP,Data Collection Platform,CIL,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,SIL,Seattle Instrument Lab,coin cell battery, GOES,transmit, lithium, GPS, signal's_Guide_for_GNSS_Observations.pdf manoj.samant bench mark, gps, gnss, tide station, user's guide, observations, photos, leveling, survey, OPUS, NGS Manoj Samant PPP, programmatic policies and procedures, datums, requirements, field, updates, water level stations, tidal, GPS, CSDL, CO-OPS Engineering Division;Minilek Hailegeberel SOM, Station O&M, CO-OPS, Engineering Division, ED, Field Operations Division, FOD, NWLON, NWLP, reference datum, reconnaissance, water level, sensor specifications, GOES satellite transmissions,great lakes, leveling, elevated platforms, bench marks, datum offsets, orifice offset, navd88, leveling, gps connections, deliverables, timelines, documentation SIL;CIL SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, GOES, remote telemetry, MSCS, Antcom, Goes Format File, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC