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34 documents found.

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Author: Adam Grodsky;Richard Bourgerie
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, CECAT,COR,Contracting Officers Representative,DCP,DMAT,IDIQ,MOU,OET,OPUS,TM, task manager, TOMIS
Author: Eddie Roggenstein
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, ADCP, platform, planning, overview, current meter, deployment, permit, CIL, SIL
Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, Field Operations Division, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, CART, UAT, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy
Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy's_Guide_for_8200_Bubbler_Gauge.pdf
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD's_Guide_for_8210_Water_Level_Gauge_for_Hydrographic_Surveying_Applications.pdf
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD, pressure, bubbler, pressure control panel, hydro, paros
Author: Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck;Keith Brkich
Keywords/Tags: 9210,9210B,AOB,Atlantic Operations Branch,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,CIL,Coast Survey,Data Collection Platform,DCP,decode,DOMSAT,Field Operations Division,GOES,FOD,hydro,IMEI,Instument Lab,message,OCS,orifice,Pacific Operations Branch,Paros,Paroscientific,Pelican,POB,Portable,PTG,satlink,Seattle Instrument Lab,signal strength,SIL,ssp.log,Sutron,Tide Gauge,transmission,transmit,tx,WaterLog,Xpert,xterm
Author: Keith Brkich;Caleb Gostnell;Daniel Johnson
Keywords/Tags: 9210,9210B,AOB,Atlantic Operations Branch,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,CIL,Coast Survey,Data Collection Platform,DCP,decode,DOMSAT,Field Operations Division,GOES,FOD,hydro,IMEI,Instument Lab,Iridium,message,modem,OCS,orifice,Pacific Operations Branch,Paros,Paroscientific,Pelican,POB,Portable,PTG,satlink,Seattle Instrument Lab,signal strength,SIL,ssp.log,Sutron,Tide Gauge,transmission,transmit,tx,WaterLog,Xpert,xterm
Author: Warren Krug;Kathleen Bailey
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, XPert, eSite, DCP, OET, laser, microwave, MIROS, low steel, OSTEP, Deployment, Sutron, Xpert, 9210B, DCP, Universal Laser Sensor, ULS, Miros, Laser, reconnaissance, bridge, clearance, CIL, SIL, instrument, lab, chesapeake, seattle, PORTS
Author: Kasey Standridge
Keywords/Tags: ncop,adcp,adp,current meter,deployment,recovery,ports,platform
Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount
Author: Carl Kammerer
Keywords/Tags: ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, station report
Author: Carl Kammerer, CECAT
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, CECAT, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team
Author: Chris Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: CECAT, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, field, FOD, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT, search, recovery, deployment, CORMS, coordinate
Author: Jennifer Ewald
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy, TRBM
Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL
Author: Bruce Servary, OET
Keywords/Tags: goes, allocations, data collection platform, dcp, nesdis, wallops, wallops command and data acquisition, cda, data collection system automatic processing system, daps, platform description table, pdt, channel, transmit, azimuth, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Sutron Corporation
Keywords/Tags: COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications
Author: Thomas F. Landon
Keywords/Tags: ed, oet, fod, pob, aob, field, documentation, site, report, task, manager, contractor, water level, station, quality, submitted, dms, dpas, nwlp, ports, metadata, preliminary, revised, final, 30, day, 30-day, deliverable, timeliness, AI, annual, inspection, eSite, XPert, DCP, sounding, tube, well, GPS, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM
Author: John Stepnowski
Author: Carl Kammerer
Keywords/Tags: CECAT, ncop, adcp, platform, current meter, deployment, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, flotation
Author: Jason Standridge
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M,RTU,Remote Telemetry Unit,DCP,Data Collection Platform,CIL,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,SIL,Seattle Instrument Lab,coin cell battery, GOES,transmit, lithium, GPS, signal'Xpert_Offline'.pdf
Author: Caleb Gostnell
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, download, data, log, files, compact flash, disk, sd, storage, card, xterm, gui, usb, serial, 115200, 9600, retrieval access, setup access, comma delimited, 9210, Xpert, Sutron, Xpert Offline, dcp
Author: Keith Brkich;Nathan Holcomb
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, PowerSonic, DCP, SIL, CIL, 9210, Sutron, voltage,
Author: Nathan Holcomb
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, DCP, SIL, CIL, 9210, Sutron, voltage, Xpert, Sutron, NWLON, GOES, charging, voltage dividing cable, pump box, AIO1
Author: Caleb Gostnell
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, 9210, Xpert, Sutron, DCP, linkcomm
Author: Christopher Paternostro;Richard Bourgerie
Keywords/Tags: CECAT, SOM, Station O&M, CECAT, field, FOD, biofouling, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, TRBM, ES2, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT
Author: Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Christopher Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Carl Kammerer
Keywords/Tags: currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Winston Hensley, Bob Heitsenrether, Christopher Haith, Paul Fanelli
Author: Caleb Gostnell. POB
Keywords/Tags: sutron xpert, data collection platform, dcp, 09-003, log file, update log file size, external storage card log, storage card, flash disk, compact flash card
Author: Kevin Harrison
Keywords/Tags: Engineering Bulletin 10-003 SOP, 10-003, xterm, sutron dcp upgrade, xpert2, xpert2 software, system, firmware, upload, file transfer
Author: Caleb Gostnell
Keywords/Tags: SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, XPert, DCP, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED
Filename Author Keywords/Tags Adam Grodsky;Richard Bourgerie SOM, Station Operation and Maintenance, CECAT,COR,Contracting Officers Representative,DCP,DMAT,IDIQ,MOU,OET,OPUS,TM, task manager, TOMIS Eddie Roggenstein FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, NCOP, ADCP, platform, planning, overview, current meter, deployment, permit, CIL, SIL Kasey Standridge FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, Field Operations Division, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, CART, UAT, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy Kasey Standridge FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy's_Guide_for_8200_Bubbler_Gauge.pdf CO-OPS Engineering Division SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD's_Guide_for_8210_Water_Level_Gauge_for_Hydrographic_Surveying_Applications.pdf CO-OPS Engineering Division SOM, Station O&M, water level, DCP, Sutron, NWLON, PORTS, ED, FOD, pressure, bubbler, pressure control panel, hydro, paros Caleb Gostnell;Lynn Asbeck;Keith Brkich 9210,9210B,AOB,Atlantic Operations Branch,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,CIL,Coast Survey,Data Collection Platform,DCP,decode,DOMSAT,Field Operations Division,GOES,FOD,hydro,IMEI,Instument Lab,message,OCS,orifice,Pacific Operations Branch,Paros,Paroscientific,Pelican,POB,Portable,PTG,satlink,Seattle Instrument Lab,signal strength,SIL,ssp.log,Sutron,Tide Gauge,transmission,transmit,tx,WaterLog,Xpert,xterm Keith Brkich;Caleb Gostnell;Daniel Johnson 9210,9210B,AOB,Atlantic Operations Branch,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,CIL,Coast Survey,Data Collection Platform,DCP,decode,DOMSAT,Field Operations Division,GOES,FOD,hydro,IMEI,Instument Lab,Iridium,message,modem,OCS,orifice,Pacific Operations Branch,Paros,Paroscientific,Pelican,POB,Portable,PTG,satlink,Seattle Instrument Lab,signal strength,SIL,ssp.log,Sutron,Tide Gauge,transmission,transmit,tx,WaterLog,Xpert,xterm Warren Krug;Kathleen Bailey FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FOD, Field Operations Division, XPert, eSite, DCP, OET, laser, microwave, MIROS, low steel, OSTEP, Deployment, Sutron, Xpert, 9210B, DCP, Universal Laser Sensor, ULS, Miros, Laser, reconnaissance, bridge, clearance, CIL, SIL, instrument, lab, chesapeake, seattle, PORTS Kasey Standridge ncop,adcp,adp,current meter,deployment,recovery,ports,platform CIL FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount Carl Kammerer ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, station report Carl Kammerer, CECAT FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, ncop, adcp, adp, platform, currents, current meter, deployment, recovery, installation, log, station log, current survey, CECAT, Coastal and Estuarine Circulation Analysis Team Chris Paternostro CECAT, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, field, FOD, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT, search, recovery, deployment, CORMS, coordinate Jennifer Ewald FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CECAT, FOD, current meter, NCOP, circulation survey, DPT, Data Processing Team, NPDB, ADCP, C-MIST, WinADCP, SonTek, Nortek, RDI, ARGOS, pinger, profiler, bin, ensemble, deployment, recovery, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, velocity, buoy, TRBM CIL 9210, ADCP, ADP, Accubar, Acoustic, Adapter, Air Gap, Airlink, Analog, Anemometer, Aquadopp, Aquatrak, ARGOS, ATON, Barometer, Barometric Pressure, Batteries, Battery, BEI, Benthos, Bracket, Bridge Clearance, Bubbler, CART, Coastal Acoustic Release Transponder, Communications, Conductivity, Connectors, Contractors, CTD, Current Meter, Data Logger, DCP, Data Collection Platforms, Deployment, Digital, Druck, Enclosure, Equipment, Falmouth, FedEx, Floatation Technologies, Forms, Freight, Gel Cell, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, GPS, GOES, Geostationary Orbital Environmental Satellites, Greenspan, HADCP, HADP, Horizontally Mounted Current Meter, HF Radar, Hydrography, I/O, IMO, IP, Internet Protocol, Modem, KPSI, Laser, LOS, Line of Sight, Mail, Meteorological, Microwave, Miros, Modem, MWWl, Microwave Water Level, Orfice, Package, Paroscientific, PCMCIA, Platforms, Pressure, Pressure Transducer, Raven XT, Relative Humidity, Release, Replacement, R.M. Young, Satlink, Seasonde, Sensor, Station, SOM, Station O&M, operation and maintenance, CIL Bruce Servary, OET goes, allocations, data collection platform, dcp, nesdis, wallops, wallops command and data acquisition, cda, data collection system automatic processing system, daps, platform description table, pdt, channel, transmit, azimuth, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Sutron Corporation COPYRIGHT 2010, SUTRON CORPORATION. USED WITH PERMISSION. Contractors, Currents, Data, Data Logger, Data Collection Platform, DCP, Deployment, Equipment, GFE, Government Furnished Equipment, Guide, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring, Platforms, Project Instructions, PORTS, Report, Software, Station, Tides, ESS, Engineering and System Specifications Thomas F. Landon ed, oet, fod, pob, aob, field, documentation, site, report, task, manager, contractor, water level, station, quality, submitted, dms, dpas, nwlp, ports, metadata, preliminary, revised, final, 30, day, 30-day, deliverable, timeliness, AI, annual, inspection, eSite, XPert, DCP, sounding, tube, well, GPS, Station Operation and Maintenance, SOM John Stepnowski Carl Kammerer CECAT, ncop, adcp, platform, current meter, deployment, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, flotation Jason Standridge SOM, Station O&M,RTU,Remote Telemetry Unit,DCP,Data Collection Platform,CIL,Chesapeake Instrument Lab,SIL,Seattle Instrument Lab,coin cell battery, GOES,transmit, lithium, GPS, signal'Xpert_Offline'.pdf Caleb Gostnell SOM, Station O&M, download, data, log, files, compact flash, disk, sd, storage, card, xterm, gui, usb, serial, 115200, 9600, retrieval access, setup access, comma delimited, 9210, Xpert, Sutron, Xpert Offline, dcp Keith Brkich;Nathan Holcomb SOM, Station O&M, PowerSonic, DCP, SIL, CIL, 9210, Sutron, voltage, Nathan Holcomb SOM, Station O&M, DCP, SIL, CIL, 9210, Sutron, voltage, Xpert, Sutron, NWLON, GOES, charging, voltage dividing cable, pump box, AIO1 Caleb Gostnell SOM, Station O&M, 9210, Xpert, Sutron, DCP, linkcomm Christopher Paternostro;Richard Bourgerie CECAT, SOM, Station O&M, CECAT, field, FOD, biofouling, acoustic release, remote, pop-up, platform, mount, ADP, ADCP, SUBS, TRBM, ES2, buoy, failure, ARGOS, contractor, vessel, boat, drag, tracking, transmission, CART, surface, signal, grapple, dive, mooring, position, latitude, longitude, buried, NRT Greg Dusek currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop,FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Christopher Paternostro currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Carl Kammerer currents, reconnaissance, station, adcp, adp, ncop, recon, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
System_Design_for_Iridium_ATON_ADCP_Real-Time_Current_Measurement_System.pdf Winston Hensley, Bob Heitsenrether, Christopher Haith, Paul Fanelli Caleb Gostnell. POB sutron xpert, data collection platform, dcp, 09-003, log file, update log file size, external storage card log, storage card, flash disk, compact flash card Kevin Harrison Engineering Bulletin 10-003 SOP, 10-003, xterm, sutron dcp upgrade, xpert2, xpert2 software, system, firmware, upload, file transfer Caleb Gostnell SOM, Station O&M, engineering bulletin, XPert, DCP, CIL, SIL, Measurement Systems Configuration Subcommittee, FOD, ED
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC