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6 documents found.

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Author: CIL
Keywords/Tags: FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount,_Maintenance_and_Removal_of_WL_Stations.pdf
Author: CO-OPS Engineering Division
Keywords/Tags: Engineering and System Specifications, ESS, operation and maintenance, geodetic connections, field requirements, reference datum requirements, data quality monitoring, nwlon, tide staff, staff, leveling, leveling frequency, station documentation, deliverables, point of contact, timeline, bottom mounted pressure gauge
Author: Christopher Paternostro
Keywords/Tags: ncop, reconnaissance, bottom grab, currents, platform, sample, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle
Author: Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging
Author: Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek
Keywords/Tags: Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging
Filename Author Keywords/Tags CIL FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle, CIL, SIL, ncop, current meter, survey, adcp, platform, currents, deployment, gimbal, trawl resistant, bottom mount,_Maintenance_and_Removal_of_WL_Stations.pdf CO-OPS Engineering Division Engineering and System Specifications, ESS, operation and maintenance, geodetic connections, field requirements, reference datum requirements, data quality monitoring, nwlon, tide staff, staff, leveling, leveling frequency, station documentation, deliverables, point of contact, timeline, bottom mounted pressure gauge Christopher Paternostro ncop, reconnaissance, bottom grab, currents, platform, sample, FIPL, Field Installation Project Lifecycle Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging Bruce Servary;Greg Dusek Field Installation Project Lifecycle, FIPL, CECAT, FOD, current meter, recon, reconnasaince, NCOP, circulation, survey, coast, estuary, harbor, river, channel, basin, river, inlet, flow, physical oceanography, inflow, diurnal, semi-diurnal, subtidal, cross-channel, upwelling, velocity, bathymetry, bathymetric, shoaling, bottom type, shoaling, OCS, NGS, waterway, survey, buoy, spatial, saltwater, freshwater, density, vertical, horizontal, water, variation, instrument, dredging
Last modified: 2024-09-06 13:17 UTC